In August 2013 I stopped competition climbing and have become a rock climber and trainer instead. That is why I belay a lot more nowadays which has resulted in permanent neck pain and head ache. Due to that reason I asked for a test product to get a meaning of the apparently useful function of the CU glasses. I adapted quickly to them and my neck pain has incredibly improved. Now, I  don’t wanna do away with them an more.
What a great invention,

  • Erste Frau, die mit Planta de Shiva’ eine Route im Schwierigkeitsgrad 9b (oder UIAA 11+/12-) klettert (2017).
  • Viermalige Weltmeisterin in der Disziplin Lead (2005/07/11/12)
  • Dreimalige Weltcup-Gesamtsiegerin (2004/05/06)
  • Gewinnerin der World Games 2005
  • Fünfmalige Gewinnerin des Rock Master (2003/04/05/07/09)
  • Europameisterin in der Disziplin Lead 2010