Hello Mr Genius !
I think we’ve met long time ago, back in the ninetees!
The other day, I join my old friend climber Babar (Francois Lombard) at Lourmarin (a super good crag near my home). He lend me his incredible belay glasses while I was belaying him in a 55m route ; WAOOO, it was a choc for me ; it was the very first time in the last 30 years of my life that it wasn’t a nigtmare belaying someone during almost one hour! My old neck definitely needs some rest and deserve it after so many years at painful work! And when I’m not at the crags for my own climbing, I’m teaching, training or coaching at the gyms or outdoor. Thank you very much.
Kind regards.
- dreimaliger Weltmeister: 1991, 1993, 1995
- fünfmaliger Europameister
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