CU Belay Glasses Celebrate 10 Years

The beginning
Countless hours belaying with friends & family, meant putting up with neck pain and discomfort while belaying and even after we had packed up and went home!

We spent a small fortune on Physios and Osteopaths to relieve headaches and neck stiffness associated with belaying, yet, as soon as we went climbing again, these symptoms would return. Surely, there must be a better way!

Since NOT climbing was NOT an option, the only other option was to innovate. So, I started exploring various options: mirrors, neck-braces, and finally, prisms.

Product Designer and friend, Victor Blank, developed a wire spectacle frame to hold the prisms.

We then tested a succession of prototypes for 9 months, and finally our baby was born: the CU Belay Glasses.

Ten years later, we haven’t forgotten our enthusiastic first year customers and pioneer users of the CU belay glasses.
You helped ensure the great success of the CU belay glasses.
A huge “Thank you!” to all of you!

We’d like to offer our first year customers a €20.06 discount on the new Anniversary Model G4.
Please enter your personal voucher code in the Web shop when you place the order.

Many thanks for your loyalty and many more climbing days without neck pain!

CU, on belay
Best Wishes!
Albi Schneider

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